The Trail
Marissa Garcia

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Good morning boys and girls and happy Sabbath. Today I’m bringing you the story, The Lost Trail.

The lost trail is about Lily and her dad. They were hiking and they have gotten away from their trail, hiking trail to get a shortcut back to the camping site. And dad was right behind Lily saying, Lily, you got five minutes to find the trail. And if not, we’re going to head back. And Lily’s like, I got this, dad. I got this, I’m great at hiking. I know it’s towards the right. Okay then, Lily, because if you don’t find it in five minutes, we’re going back. Because if we get lost, it’s gonna take forever for somebody to find us.

Daddy, I got this, I got this. Why do you think they call me the compass? Daddy, I’m great at hiking. So Lily started walking and going forward and she kept going to the right. But she wasn’t seeing the trail. But she knew for sure. It was west of the lake. So she, I got this. So she kept walking and walking and dad’s behind her getting tired. Don’t go too far, Lily, because I need to see where you’re at, okay? Okay, dad, just follow me, follow me.

And then she couldn’t see the trail. So she’s like, that’s weird. I know it’s towards the right. I’m just gonna keep on going. And her dad kept saying, Lily, are you sure you know where you’re going? Yes, I know it’s towards the right. My gut’s telling me it’s towards my right. So then she starts picking up speed and she was running and jumping over the log and running around the trees, over the bush, over a puddle. She was having such a good time. And then all of a sudden, she started feeling a little bit nervous. Maybe did I miss it when I was running so fast that I missed it? Maybe when I was jumping over the puddle I didn’t look towards my right? No no I got this! I’m the compass! I’m a great hiker! That’s weird. No, I got this. It’s up ahead. It’s up ahead. Lily! It’s almost time! I know dad please I got this dad! So then I was running and then I kept getting that feeling again of being worried. Maybe I missed it. But I’m so good at hiking. I can find it. I just have to go towards my right. That’s what I feel.

But then all of a sudden she had the feeling of, I don’t think I know where I’m going. What would you do? What to do? Yes. Oh, yes, yes. So then she started praying. Dear God, you know the universe. You know more than I do. I thought I knew where the trail is, but I’m not sure anymore. Please help me find it.

One more minute, Lily. Yeah, Dad, I know it’s towards the left. It’s towards the left. So she’s, I mean, towards the right. So she kept going towards the right, towards the right. And then her dad couldn’t see her, so then she kind of started praying again really quick. Lord, it’s in your hands. Uh, my gut feeling had changed a little bit. Uh, uh, God, could you maybe send me a sign? Uh, uh, maybe a bolt of lightning? Maybe, God, you could send me a bear telling me where it is. Over there, Lily. Uh, that would be nice. Point me to the trail, yes. Um, amen.

Nope, not a miraculous sign, nothing. The wind started picking up. It started getting a little bit cold and I wasn’t seeing anything. No sign, no bear, nothing. Lily, time is up. Let’s go back. I don’t wanna get lost anymore. Let’s just go back. We already walked too far. Okay, dad.

So she’s like, fine, I guess I don’t know where it’s at. And then I… I just said I’m just taking, I just got a feeling to take a couple more steps. So I took a couple more steps towards my right. And there was, there was a trail. Dun dun dun. I found it. Yeah, yeah the trail’s right here. Oh Lily, good job. You are a good hiker. Thanks dad. I got this. Woo hoo. Daddy that’s why they call me the compass. Of course they call you the compass. You’re a great hiker. You didn’t know where it was. Yes, it was so cool. I told you dad you should have trust me. I had it under control.

Then Lily started feeling well. She didn’t have it under control. She was worried. She did pray. She asked help from the bear. Well, daddy, I did ask God for help because I did get a little bit worried. Oh, Lily. That’s what God’s for, for you to ask for help. I’m glad you asked him for help. Also, we would have been stuck there forever. I know, Dad, but I wanted you to feel like I had this control. No, Lily, it’s okay. As long as you ask God for help, I’m proud of you, okay? So her dad and Lily went back to the trail that led them back to the campsite.

Now, boys and girls, in our lives, we get into sometimes we made a mistake. or we need help with a situation or whatever the case is, and we start trying to figure out, maybe we lost the book. And if I say, if I go to the library and get the other book and then put it back in the desk, nobody will know that I lost my friend’s book, and we start moving things on our own. Or, I don’t know, maybe I’m supposed to turn that home, or do I turn it in, do I not turn it in? How about if I act like I didn’t notice? Or maybe I told her that my wifi was down, who knows? and we start moving things when you get yourselves in a situation. How about whatever the case is that you’re having at home or like how about if I just tell my dad that I don’t know what happened to the trash, I don’t know why it fell down, maybe it was long way. Boys and girls, sometimes when we get ourselves in a situation, we need to stop and slow down and ask God for help. Ask God to clear our mind. take away all the jitter and the noise that we’re saying what to do what not to do and ask Him for help that’s what He’s there for don’t be relying on yourself like I got this I got this no God has this He tells us to come to Him with all our worries so whenever you feel you’re in a situation like that and you feel like you’re kind of trying to figure something out and moving a lot of pieces and telling people what to do in here and that’s the time for you to stop and slow down and ask God for help. As adults, we do the same thing. Sometimes we forget. We’re trying to move schedules, we’re trying to call so and so, we’re trying to have what if I change this to that. And the last thing sometimes we forget is to ask God for help.

So boys and girls and all church family, we need to stop and slow down and remember that God’s there to help us. God wants us to pick him, to choose him to help us with our problems. So anytime you feel like that, Boys and girls, don’t forget to pray. You can pray in your mind, you can pray quietly, you can pray loudly in your room or whatever the case is. Or sometimes you say, oh God, please help me. Just let it out and to ask God for help and he’ll just clear your mind and show us the way.

Okay, boys and girls, well enjoy the rest of your Sabbath. Until next time, bye.