Hooray for You
by Susanna Martinez

Happy Sabbath, boys and girls. It’s my opportunity once again to bring you the story. I have a book here and it’s called, “Hooray for You.”

For quite a long time, the world saved a place. Millions were born, yet none filled your space. Until the second of a minute of one special day, you took your first breath and the world said, “Hooray!” Perfectly timed, not what minute more, suddenly, where were you were not before.

But planning preceded your earthly debut as all was completed in the Youness of You. Youness? You ask, quite hard to describe, it’s your style of being. Your rhythm, or vibe. It’s the grand slam of what sets you apart, your body and brain, plus your spirit and heart.

Isn’t it something that your wonderfully wonderful face? It’s not like another in this whole human race. Your smile for starters curves up just so when you laugh or act silly or tell jokes that you know. The body you live in can jump, dance, and play. With custom-built parts, you move your own world. Even your hair, be it black, brown, or red, does its own thing on top of your head.

And your certain good looks are just one teensy part of your -ness galore of your mind and your heart. This is the essence of what you’re about, the true who of you, within and throughout. For instance, the way your brain likes to think. It just happens, you say, like a sneeze or a blink. Aromatic for sure, but predictable not, for no other has your process of thought. But big ideas and original schemes your wide-eyed wishes are your dreamiest dreams. And your feelings deep down are colorful creations, a kaleidoscope of moods and emotional sensations. Who else can know your kind of glad, silly, excited, grumpy, or sad?

And the cool thing that’s true is how you can grow when there’s thinking to change a new stuff to know. You’re perfect as you, but my friends you will see days when delight is not what you’ll be. And you might even think I sure wish to be like him or her or then any person but me. Then stop that at once, put gloom on the shelf, say goodbye, doubt and hurray self.

Yes, from head to tiptoe, you’re truly original, a creation in progress, a distinct individual. Look the world over and you’ll never find a duplicate of you -ness. That’s your one of a kind. On the day when you were born, the world grew by one. A life was big purpose and much to be done.

Look in the mirror, love who you see, stand tall, smile big, shout, hurray for me. Boys and girls, I hope every day you stand up and say hurray for you. Because God made you an individual, God made you unique, just like this book says. Praise God and thank Him. Help others get to know who God is. So that they can be grateful for who they are.

Thank you so much for listening boys and girls. Let’s bow our heads and let’s pray. Dear heavenly Father, thank you dear Lord for another day of life. Thank you for all the rain we’ve received through the week. Help us to be good students and most importantly help us to be proud of who we are. For we pray in Jesus’ name, amen.

Bye boys and girls. See you next time.


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