Be The Light
by Susanna Martinez


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Happy Sabbath, boys and girls. It’s my opportunity once again to bring you the story this morning.

Now, how many of you have started school already? I know Monday was our first day of school, and I have four nieces and nephews that started kinder this year. They were really excited, but something happened on Monday. I’m not sure if you felt it. I didn’t feel it here in my classroom. There was an earthquake on Monday. I hope you were okay. My niece was telling me all about it, how she had to go under the table and hold the leg. And then they walked outside.

If you started school, I’m sure your teacher has been reading lots of books about rules at school. I have a few here. It says kindergarten rocks that I’ve been reading to my students. If you take a mouse to school, I don’t know if you heard this one. We read this one as well in my class. Pete the Cat rocking his school shoes. I know a lot of my students like to hear Pete the Cat. Do you like it too? Yeah. Chrysanthemum. This is a story about a little mouse that had a super long name. I like reading this book because we talk about each other’s names and how it’s important to us. Some of us have long names. Some of us have short names, but all of our names make us special. I know a lot of you like this one. David goes to school. And we also have this one too that I know probably a lot of you know. No, David. David Shannon does a great job going over the rules here. Another of my favorite books is Giraffes Can’t Dance. This one talks about a little giraffe and every year they had a dance competition but giraffe couldn’t dance. But you know what it was? is that she danced to a different song.

All these books made me think, you know, God has rules for us too and they’re called the Ten Commandments. We can find that in the Bible. There’s ten of them, but when Jesus came, he made it easier. He said all you need to do is love yourself. And as much as we love ourselves, we should love our neighbor. He made it easier for us to be a light in this earth. All we have to do, boys and girls, is love. And part of love is being kind, helping our friends, especially the first weeks coming back to school. It might be scary for some of us, especially the kindergartners. who’ve never been in school. But if we remember what Jesus told us to do, to love like we love ourselves, it’s gonna be so much easier for everyone. Okay, so when, as you start school, I know some of you might be starting on Monday, remember. Am I doing what Jesus wants me to do? Am I helping? Am I loving my neighbor if I’m being kind? Am I being polite? All those things that we talk about, I want you to remember that as we begin another school year. See all of my students behind me? They’re now we’re ready to start, right? Some of us had a hard time in the first days of school. Okay, so I encourage you boys and girls to be the light to remember to love everyone around you

Let’s bow our heads boys and girls Dear heavenly father We thank you dear lord for another opportunity to come and praise you Thank you dear Lord for allowing us to start a new school year. Allow us dear Lord to remember to show love to those who surround us so that they too can know who you are. Keep us safe as we start another school year. Be with all of our classmates and our teachers. For we pray in your name, Amen.

Bye boys and girls. Have a great year.