Good Food
by Susanna Martinez

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Hi boys and girls, it’s my opportunity once again to bring you the story of the Sabbath.

Now I was thinking, can you guess where I’m at? In my kitchen, right? Every day we like to eat a lot of times, right? Sometimes more if we eat snacks. And I was thinking, you know, what did God leave behind for us to eat? I was also thinking about a story that I know most of you know, The Very Hungry Caterpillar. Do you remember he ate a lot of stuff he shouldn’t be eating? Then he had a tummy ache. Yeah.

Now, it made me think. God left a lot of yummy things for us to eat. Like oranges, apples, limes or lemons. Kiwi’s. raspberries, blueberries, carrots, cucumbers, mushrooms. He left a lot of yummy things for us to eat. And when he created Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, he told them this in Genesis 1:29. It says, Then God said, I give you every seed bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seeds in it that they will be yours for food. So that is what Jesus left behind for us to eat.

I know a lot of us sometimes open a lot of containers and eat what’s inside. But you know what? A lot of the ingredients in these things. are making us sick because we’re not eating the yummy things God originally created for us to eat. So I want to invite you boys and girls to try to eat things that don’t come in a package. Though some of them do, right? When we buy the raspberries or the blueberries, they do come in a package, but it doesn’t have a list of ingredients on it because these things are created by God for us. Things in boxes that we open, sometimes things that we buy at the fast food places we like to eat, they have a lot of ingredients in them. And they’re making us really sick.

So I invite you boys and girls to remember the commandment that God left for Adam and Eve, to eat things that grow on trees, which would be fruits. Later on he allowed us to eat vegetables. Now vegetables have a lot of nutrients for our bodies. If I eat things that grow in the ground like a carrot or on a vine or on a tree I’m not going to be prone to being sick and you know what this is brain fruit. And sometimes the things we like to eat out of boxes, they don’t really make our brains the best. They get us kind of tired. And some of them even leave our fingers really red for a lot of days, even though we try to rub it off. Imagine what it does inside our bodies. Now I invite you to make better choices with the food that you put in your body. because the food we put in our body is the nutrients we give it. If we take care of our bodies now, when you’re older, you’re gonna be healthier and smarter.

And don’t forget, our favorite drink should be water, not juices or sodas. Those really harm our bodies. They’re not really good for us. So today, I invite you to go. to the groceries with your parents and put yummy things inside your cart. Things that will help your body be stronger. And guess what? You won’t get as sick as often and your body will feel better. Your tummy won’t be upset. I hope you enjoy that and I hope you try different things because there’s a lot of yummy fruit that we haven’t seen. I find different fruits in the grocery store and I’m like, hmm. I wonder how you eat this and it’s always interesting to me to try new fruits. I encourage you too, boys and girls, to do that.

Okay, let’s bow our heads, boys and girls. Dear Heavenly Father, we thank you, dear Lord, for all the yummy fruits and veggies you left for us to eat. Allow us, dear Lord, to be willing to try them so that we can be smarter and brighter and others can see that we are children of God. Keep us safe and always protect us, your Lord, for we pray in your name, amen.

Bye, boys and girls, see you next time.