Breaking Bad Habits
by Ethan Morales

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Good morning boys and girls, happy Sabbath. Gonna change up the children’s story here a little bit. We normally do Bible verse and then demonstration. Today, as you can see, my hands are kind of tied, so literally, so we’re gonna do the demonstration and then the Bible verse, all right?

So, boys and girls, I’m sure there’s a lot of things in our lives that we do that aren’t necessarily good habits. We like too much candy, we sit in front of the TV too much. TV, maybe sit in front of our phones too long too. And you know. as innocent as those habits may be, sometimes, like I am right now, we get kind of tied up in them, right? But this is toilet paper, right? Like it’s easily breakable. We can easily break through it. But the issue comes when we let it take over our lives. You can see here, it took over the top half of me. And that’s where boys and girls, it gets kind of scary because we can let it consume us and to the point where we don’t even know how it’s affecting us anymore. So at that point, we are called to hand it up to God, you know? We ask God to point out our flaws. And ultimately, boys and girls, that’s what the Bible is. It’s a mirror to show us what we’re doing wrong in our lives and how to correct it. So as the example here, I’m kind of tied up, but if I, oh, I can break free. If you guys wanna be a mummy anytime soon, feel free.

We can break free and, and claim power through Christ. And the Bible verse for that today will come from Psalms chapter 19, verse 12, where it says, but who can discern their own errors? Forgive my hidden faults, Lord. Keep your servant also from willful sins. May they not rule over me. Then I will be blameless, innocent of great transgressions. So boys and girls, as the Bible verse says here, sometimes there may be things in our life that we don’t even recognize are bad for our. for us. So it is at that point, boys and girls, where we ask God to point those out and to continue to be mindful and keep our eyes on him when we do, when we are tempted.

All right, let’s go ahead and close out and pray. Dear Heavenly Father, thank you God for another day of life, for bringing us another Sabbath, Lord, where we could come and worship you, Lord. I ask a special blessing for these children right now, Lord. May you guide and protect them, protect their family, their friends. and anyone else Lord. May you continue to guide their parents, their guardians, and their overall family Lord so that they may continue to raise them in your will Lord. We ask all these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen.

Alright boys and girls, happy Sabbath and we’ll see you next time.