What Do You Want To Be?
by Celene Melenciano


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Good morning boys and girls, happy Sabbath. I hope you guys had a great week. I know some of you guys, or most of you guys, are back at school, and I hope you’re having fun, making new friends, meeting up with your old friends, and just having a blast this new school year.

Since you’re going to school, the reason you’re going to school is because you want to learn, right? Because you want to learn things to be ready so when you become an adult, you can actually do something you want to do. Pretty much the question is, what do you wanna be when you grow up? Some people wanna be doctors, some wanna be nurses, maybe lawyers, maybe teachers. There’s a lot of teachers and we really love them for everything they do, don’t we? I mean, you guys are meeting with a lot of them right now. So maybe you have one teacher, but maybe you could have up to six or even seven teachers in one day, right? And then there’s coaches. And there’s just so many people around you that had to study, go to school and work hard to get to where they’re at today.

So what about you? Have you thought of what you wanna be when you grow up? Because like everywhere else, people have had to learn skills to be able to become who they were. Even the Bible tells us that there are, I mean, there were so many people, so many stories that we hear in the Bible and we don’t really know. everybody there, you know, some people had their story in one verse or two. Some people had a whole book that they would write like King David, right? He was a king. But before he became a king, he was a shepherd. He had sheep that he would take care of. And he was a singer and a musician. He used to sing for King Saul. He used to play, I believe it was the harp. So he was a musician, a singer, a shepherd. And then he became a warrior. a soldier, a king, right? We know that Luke was a doctor. He wrote the book of Luke in the New Testament. We know that, let me see, we have so many of them right now. Joseph, of course, Jesus’ father was a carpenter. Peter, he was a fisherman. If you’ve ever heard of Tabitha or Dorcas, she was a servant of the people. She was a deaconess and she was also a seamstress because there are verses in the Bible that said that she made clothes for people. So she was a seamstress and she helped them. And that was her calling. That’s what she prepared herself to do. You know, we also have Zacchaeus who was a tax collector and I believe Matthew was a tax collector as well. Deborah, we have two Debra’s in there. One was Rebecca’s nurse. Rebecca was Jacob’s wife. She was Rebecca’s nurse. And then we have another Deborah in the Bible who was actually a judge. Okay. And then we also have lawyers. And there was, I can’t even read right now, we went dark today. So we have no electricity. So it was Zenas, I believe he was a lawyer.

So I have a list of people in the Bible of things that they did. you know, of who they were, their professions. And all these people, most of these people, loved God and learned about him and believed in him. You know, there was tent makers, there was silversmiths, there was coppersmiths, there was just all types of people. Cooks, of course, everywhere, you know? People needed to eat and every palace had cooks, right? Well, just like that, when you grow up, you finally decide what you wanna do and that’s where you’re preparing yourself in school. You could be whatever you want from a lawyer, a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, a cook, you know, an awesome chef, maybe a coach, maybe a seamstress or a tailor. I mean, you could do so many things. You just need to believe in yourself and believe that God will be with you and ask him to guide you to get to where you want to be. And always remember that everything you do, you do it because you’re doing it for God and us and the people and because you’re kind and compassionate and you want to help others right?

Let me share a verse with you hold up 1 Corinthians, okay, it’s chapter 10, verse 31. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it for the glory of God. So it doesn’t matter what you do. If you’re a food taster, if you’re a wine taster, because the Bible says there are wine testers, if… you are again someone that works with people or maybe someone that works from home on a computer or whatever you do. Do it all for the glory of God because God knows your heart, God knows what you want to do, who you want to help and he will give you that passion and those skills and that intelligence and wisdom to do it to help others. Okay kids have a wonderful new school year. Have a wonderful week and we’ll see you next time.

Bye bye.