God’s Toolkit
by Chris Famisaran

This story covers the concept of a multi-tool, which contains various tools like pliers, blades, screwdrivers, and a file, each serving a specific purpose. It then draws an analogy between the multi-tool and individuals, emphasizing that everyone is unique with different talents and gifts from God. Pastor Chris encourages the children to use their talents and gifts to share Jesus with others through kindness, caring, and utilizing their unique abilities.


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Hey kids, question for you all. Has your mom or dad ever asked you to help you to fix something? And when they did, did they place a tool in your hands?

Now in my hand is what’s called a multi-tool. And within it are several tools, if I open it up just like this, I get a set of pliers. And then if I go over here, let’s see, we have a regular blade to cut stuff. And then we have a Phillips screwdriver, a little mini flathead screwdriver here, and then also a filer, OK? I close that and go to the other side. I have a little very mini, mini saw. And then I have a flathead screwdriver, a little blade, and then finally a little opener here, OK? Now each tool has a specific job. Would you try to cut a carrot with the pliers? I mean you could try, but are you going to be effective? No, you want to use a blade, OK? Likewise, if you’re pulling a nail out of something, do you want to use this? No, you want to use pliers.

Now what’s also convenient about this is I can just fold it up like this, Can slip it in my pocket, my backpack, my car. Very useful. But what’s cool about this too is even though it’s so small, it’s super handy and they all serve a purpose. Each tool is different. It’s unique, much like we all are as well. We’re all unique. We all come from different places. We may not speak the same language. We may not think exactly the same, but we all have a shared perspective and God has blessed us with talents and gifts to be able to go and share Jesus with others.

You know, some of you have the gift of being able to maybe cook, maybe some of you, you’re like that encourager, you always want to lift people up. Some of you, you know where you’re headed, you keep us on the path going to the direction that we need to go to. Some of you are very welcoming, you love to host, having friends come over and hang out, make sure everybody’s okay, right? Some of you may be creative and gifted with the ability to paint or draw or sing or play an instrument and all of these things are important because there are opportunities to where we can use these gifts to share Jesus with others and if at the very least we can always be kind and caring. Now, it’s my hope and prayer that you follow through, share your talent with others, be kind to one another and that others May I know Jesus through you, all right? Don’t ever shy from who you are. You are unique, and that’s for a reason. God has blessed you with a talent. God has blessed you with who you are. Share the love of Jesus from your perspective. Have a great day, let’s pray.

Father in heaven, I pray for each child here. May you bless them, lead and guide them in all that they do. Please as well be with their family, their parents, and if they have siblings, maybe their grandparents, but I just pray that you will bless them in all that they do, and bless their parents as they raise them, in Jesus’ name, amen.

All right, kids, take care.